Connection II

Mrs. Crosby's Book Signing
& Photos from Augusta, KY

Rosemary Clooney Music Festival
Star & Highway Marker

The Russell Theatre - Rescue the Russell

After the Clooney-Crosby Connection II program concluded, Mrs. Crosby signed copies of her latest book "My Last Years With Bing," as well as the audio versions of it and her previous release "My Life With Bing."

Before heading off to lunch, Mrs. Crosby posed with the volunteers and some of the members of the board of The Russell Theatre.

Following are a few pictures of Mrs. Crosby taken on Sunday after all the festival activities were over. She enjoyed a lovely breakfast at the French Quarter Inn

Here she is on the balcony, looking out at the river and watching as a train goes by.

After a stop at St. Patrick's cemetery in Maysville, she spent a little bit of time in Rosemary's Augusta. Here she is on the bank infront of Rosemary's home.

Lunch at the airport Damon's, was fun for everyone. Kyle, pictured here with Mrs. Crosby makes a fantastic milkshake and also happens to be a big fan of Bing.

Sherry, the manager of Damon's, and a fan of Rosemary's festival, couldn't have been sweeter to Mrs. Crosby.

The Clooney-Crosby
Connection II

Mrs. Crosby's Book Signing
& Trip to Augusta

Rosemary Clooney Music Festival
Star & Highway Marker

The Russell Theatre - Rescue the Russell